Report Urges Broadening Access to Health Care Services in New Jersey

John Klein functions as the chairman of Cambridge Therapeutics in Teaneck, New Jersey. In addition to his pursuits with Cambridge Therapeutics, John Klein serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of Hackensack Meridian Health Hospitals and keeps apprised of developments in the state of health care in his region through various news outlets.

In April 2019, NJSpotlight’s online “Healthcare” section summarized a major new report on the health care landscape in New Jersey that additionally offered insights into the best ways for the state’s policymakers to improve the quality and equitable delivery of medical care.

Entitled “Building a Culture of Health,” this report was created with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Rutgers University.

It notes that, despite New Jersey’s advances in providing strong family leave programs for workers, high-quality early childhood education, and public education campaigns that have helped reduce smoking rates, a disturbing number of disparities in health care distribution remain across ethnicity, income, geography, and social class. The report estimates that close to 6,500 people die needlessly in the state every year due to such barriers to access.

The report consists of more than one dozen specific recommendations to officials planning health care policy, urging them to fund targeted improvements. The first item on the list involves upgrading the quality of maternal and infant care. Others given high priority include strengthening overall community health by ensuring that at-risk families can access quality housing, education, and paid family leave benefits.